Want Custom Furniture?

What Is Classed as Custom Furniture

If you are looking for custom furniture that is wholly unique to your tastes, style, and personality, then you have come to the right place. 

Custom furniture is made to your specifications by request. You can design the piece yourself, which allows you to choose a style and decide on the details, like materials such as fabric, wood, stain, etc. and fabric. Creating your own furniture can be exciting, and a one-of-a-kind piece can add a unique charm to your decor.

The first step is choosing a professional furniture maker. Once you have found a prospective builder, make sure to ask if you can see some of their work. Certain furniture makers will specialize in different types of pieces. So make sure that the one you choose created the kind of furniture you are interested in.

Then, you will need to decide the basics, and what kind of furniture you have in mind? For example, a beautiful, cherry wood cabinet, or maybe an elegant oak dresser that has large, deep cedar-lined drawers. The list is almost endless. If you have yet to envision the piece, then you need to choose a style. 

When designing furniture, you need to decide if you want your piece to come with a skirted base, such as with the case of a chair. Skirts can be pleated, straight, or ruffled, or you may prefer a clean edge with straight legs, carved legs, or upholstered feet. When your custom piece is a sofa, decide on how many cushions you want it to have. Will the back be cushioned, or full of pillows? Loose or attached and filled with down, foam, or fiberfill?

For upholstered furniture, you have a wide range of fabrics to choose from, ranging from leather, tapestry, or suede, there is something available for every taste and budget. 

For all your custom furniture needs in Boulder, CO, make sure to call Berman's Custom Furniture first at (720) 343-6757. If you can picture it, I will create it!

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